Additional Aquaculture Development Services


Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Management

When dealing with any business, it is important to minimize risk. In an industry dealing with live animals, risk management may make the difference between normal operation and the loss of a whole production. Equipment should be maintained and protected to reduce the risk of failure, and sites should be evaluated to reduce the chance of introducing pathogens. Through our experiences we can help you identify areas of risk and advise you on the best steps to take to ensure problems are avoided before they become costly. We also work with aquaculture insurance specialists that can utilize this information to help obtain insurance for your stocks, site equipment, and products

Feasibility studies

Ensuring success is only possible through thorough understanding of the technical, financial, and operational feasibility of an aquaculture operation. It is important to evaluate the strengths and weakness of a potential operation or expansion of an existing facility. Starting off with the correct site and examining the capital and operational costs, as well as making sure people with the appropriate technical expertise are found to ensure growth and permanency are key to success. From hatcheries to grow-out we can get you on the right track.


Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Studies

Data Collection & Analysis

Data Collection & Analysis

Data Collection, interpretation and Analysis

There are many species being cultured within the aquaculture industry. Efficiency and robustness within your aquaculture business relies on implementation of good data collection. It not only enables optimal production planning, but, when organized, can be key in identifying procedural improvements and issues. There are a variety of software programs available that can help store and analyze data; we have helped incorporate several of them into farm operations, modifying for each unique facility. Installation and training to interpretation of data, our skills in these areas will help you maximize production and reduce operating costs.